Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the HCCC?
The Hocking County Children's Chorus (HCCC) is a community based, non-profit organization that was founded in 1979. The mission of the chorus is to provide the children of Hocking County a culturally diverse musical experience, and an opportunity to explore and develop their own talents in music, performance, and theater. A United Way Agency, the HCCC reaches children who are interested in and/or have talent in the arts, but may not have the personal or financial resources to experience them.
2. Who is allowed to be a member of the HCCC?
The HCCC is open to all children in Hocking County in Grades 1 through 12. This includes children in public schools, private schools, the digital academy, and those who are home schooled. The chorus is open to children of all abilities.
3.What does the HCCC do?
Other than private lessons, there are no other community chorus or theater opportunities offered for the younger children of Hocking County. The chorus is committed to providing quality music instruction and strives to create an environment in which children can experience the joy of singing, develop confidence and become a vital part of a musical team. Children are also introduced to the basics of acting, dance, choreography, and theater.
The HCCC works to enrich the lives of both the youth of Hocking County as well as its communities. The chorus performs at various community events throughout the year, represents Hocking County in Children's Music Festivals in Ohio, and holds an annual Christmas Concert. All of these events are free of charge and open to the public.
Each spring, the HCCC presents a musical, performed at the Logan High School Theater. General admission tickets are sold at $10.00 ($5.00 children) to help offset production costs.
4. When are rehearsals?
From August – December, rehearsals are held on Monday and Thursday nights. The Cherub Choir (Grades 1,2, 3) practices from 5:00 – 5:45 pm, with a FREE box dinner available at 4:45. The Junior Choir (Grades 4, 5,6) practices on Mondays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, with a FREE box dinner available at 6:15. The Senior Chorus (Grades 7 - 12) practices on Thursdays from 5:00 – 6:00 pm, with a FREE box dinner available at 4:45.
During the play season (January – April/May) rehearsals are scheduled for various cast members on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and one Saturday a month.
5. Where are rehearsals?
Rehearsals are held in the HCCC Music Room, located at 44 E Main Street in downtown Logan.
6. When do rehearsals begin?
Rehearsals begin on Monday August 26 for the Cherub and Junior Choirs and Thursday, August 29 for the Senior Choir.
Thanks to a partnership with the Children's Hunger Alliance out of Franklin County, FREE box dinners are also available to choristers 15 minutes ahead of each rehearsal at the Music Room.
A Parent Information Meeting will be held on Monday August 19 7:00 p.m. at the HCCC Music Room.
7. Are there tryouts?
No, there are not tryouts to be a chorister in the HCCC; it is a non-competition choir; however, each choir is limited to 30 members. There ARE tryouts for the various characters in the year-end musical.
8. How much does it cost to be in the HCCC?
Parents may choose to register their child(ren) for Session One (Aug – Dec) or Session Two (Jan – May) or both sessions. The nonrefundable registration fee is $100 for either session or $150 for both, and due at the time of registration. The fee includes all rehearsals, supplies, dress uniform, costumes, HCCC polo, Cast T-shirt, meals and snacks, etc. Completed Registration Forms and Registration Fee for either or both sessions are due by Friday August 16. Click here to register.
9. When is the registration deadline?
Registrations for the 2024-2025 Season are due by Friday August 16, 2024. Tuition is nonrefundable and due with registration.
10. How can I get more information?
Email us at